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Showing posts from February, 2019

Teaching and Supporting Learning in ESL Learning Space by: Carlo Domingo C. Casinto, Ph.D., FHEA

This is the second episode of the five-part series about writing your professional teaching practice for the purpose of Advanced Higher Education Academy of UK fellowship application. In this episode, I will explain how I teach and support learning. References will be appended in the last episode.             I am believer of Constructivist Philosophy. As such, my primary consideration in the teaching and learning process is for my students to find and create meaning as they work through in performing and achieving the standards of the learning outcomes. When students are able to create meaning in their works, they are more engaged and they take ownership of their learning (Crawford, 2003).             I begin my classes by introducing the lesson with either of the following techniques: asking a rhetorical question and telling a relevant narrative, administe...