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Showing posts from April, 2019

Assessing and Giving Feedback to Learners by Carlo Domingo Casinto, Ph.D., FHEA

This is the third episode of the five-part series about writing your professional teaching practice for the purpose of Advanced Higher Education Academy of UK fellowship application. In this episode, I will explain how I assess learning and give timely feedback to learners. References will be appended in the last episode.             To complete the teaching-learning cycle, I administer assessment and give due feedback to my students (Wiggins, 2012) which would be the  focus and emphasis of all post-assessment learning activities (Millar and Hames, 2003). Mindful of this constructive alignment, I assess what I have taught. Prior to formal assessment, a Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) standardized diagnostic test is administered to determine and verify students’ language proficiency insofar as the learning outcomes are concerned. Results of the test have essentially informed what is in th...